Hotel checkout
Nairobi National Park



Checking out of the hotel with ample time before you catch your flight? You can utilize that time to visit Nairobi national park before being transferred to the airport.  With its unique status as the only park within a capital city in the world, you can enjoy the abundant birdlife of over 400 species and catch sight of four out of five Big Five animals.


Checking out of the hotel and heading to the airport with some hours to spare before your flight? Why not take a a tour at the nearby Nairobi National Park – the only wildlife park nestled in the heart of a capital city! Enjoy open grass plains, acacia bush, and an incredible range of animals such as black rhinos, lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, buffaloes and giraffes. Not to mention that this amazing adventure is accompanied by a stunning view of bustling city skyscrapers. What are you waiting for? Get ready for an unforgettable experience!



  • Pick up and free transfers

Transferred to the airport at no extra.

  • Duration 

The mini safari will last between 2hrs and 4hrs at the park. The timings can also be fine tuned according to a travelers need.

  • Transport

Transport and game drives by customized safari van with pop up roof.

Nairobi national park tour itinerary

You will be picked from the hotel and driven to Nairobi National Park. Nairobi National Park has abundant wildlife. There are over 100 species of mammals and reptiles, and more than 400 species of birds. It is possible to see the big four of the big five here and they are the Lion, Leopard, Rhino and Buffalo. One of the key places to visit is the ivory burning site where elephant tusks and rhino horns have been torched by Kenyan presidents to show the country’s commitment to stop poaching. You will also be driven around in search of the parks diverse wildlife. In the course of the game drive, you will visit one of the several picnic sites to have a short break.

In case you have more time and at extra cost, there is an optional visit to the Nairobi Animal Orphanage which is located in the Nairobi National Park. It serves as treatments and rehabilitation center for wild animals. The Nairobi animal orphanage hosts lions, cheetahs, hyenas, jackals, serval cats, rare Sokoke cats, warthogs, leopards, various monkeys, baboons and buffalo. Various birds can also be found in the orphanage including parrots, guinea fowls, crowned cranes and ostriches.

Another optional place to visit is the safari walk which is another attraction in Nairobi National Park. It is made up of raised wooded boardwalk that allows viewing of wildlife housed in the area. Visitors can view wildlife which they expect to see in Kenya’s game parks. It has a rich species of local trees.

After the tour, you will be taken to the airport.

That is the end of Nairobi national park tour .


Additional information

Group size

1 pax, 2 pax, 3 pax, 4 pax, 5 pax, 6 pax